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League Information

League Information

Adult League

Spring 2025
Indoor Season

Teams that wish to include minors

If a team wants to include minors (14-17 yrs) then ALL Adults (18 and older) on that team,
including team staff, must complete the Safe Sport requirements.
This includes Safe Sport Certification and a background screening.
Only Adults who have completed this process can play on or staff a team with minors.
Guest players must also meet Safe Sport requirements. 

ALL players and managers need to review SafeSport and COVID-19, as well as,
follow league and facility guidelines so we can continue to use the facilities

Field formats and Divisions:


8 game season

Season runs approx. March-May

Matching colored Jersey's/Shirts with player number

Two jersey's, one light and one dark

Light for when team is home and dark when away


NOTE: It is VERY important that you register your team early and pay on time

or you will run the risk of not getting your team in at all.



Divisions***Location**Primary Day*Game Start TimesTeam Fee

Coed A and B

4 Games @ CHS             4 Games @ Menard



 Women's Open
 8 Games @ Menard Thursday's7:30pm-9:30pm $1,130
Men's Open
 8 Games @ MenardMonday's/Friday's
Coed Over 30 (CO30)
 8 Games @ MenardTuesday's
8:30pm-9:30pmper player see below

*Days and times should remain generally as posted BUT are subject to change.

**This may also include games on other day's of the week if and when necessary

***Locations may change if necessary

MVSC reserves the right to move teams between divisions (A, B, C &/or other) for the good of the divisions


Youth Leagues

For youth opportunities please see Youth Soccer

More information...


Team Registration

All team registrations are to be done online

Dates and times of payment will be used to determine if a team registered before division filled

Space is limited so register early


Team Registration

Online team registration and payment deadline at midnight.


Player Registration

2025 Player Registration Open

Must be completed in order to play in MVSC games

Player Registrations are to be done online


There will be an additional $10 fee for player registration if submitted any other way than online or by mail as above.

Once player registration is completed it may still take up to two weeks to process before the player is clear to play.

Coed Over 30 (CO30)

ALL players must have current MVSC Player Registration

Played pick up style


$100 per player

Participants preregister by email specifying "CO30" interest to [email protected]

*Please note this will remain closed until we h
ave enough response to run this program, please contact me if interested per above


*Division Notes:

C Division: (includes "Open")

Is for beginners and novice players that want learn how to play in a fun environment. Hence the "Spirit of the Game" should reflect this from the team managers, the players, the fans, and the officials. This may mean second chances to help learn a rule or a call on a hard challenge that may normally be legal, these are just two examples.

In the past we did NOT allow "A" level players, but we have noted that they can provide to the fun and learning of this division if they come to play with the correct mind set and that this mind set applies to ALL in this division.

So, if you plan to play in this division we expect you, your manager, your team, fans, and officials to work together to maintain the "Spirit of the Game".

A and B Divisions:

"Spirit of the Game" applies to these divisions as well. Noting that these divisions should become progressivly more technical, tactical, and competitive, while still remaining fun and friendly.

*Players must be registered with MVSC and have paid player registration fee for the year

Minimum Age: Players must be 18 to play with Mat-Valley Soccer Club. Players under 18 may be granted an exemption if sponsored by the team manager. Please contact the league organizer for details

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